
Take a deep breath Food strikes back and tries to kill you Dr. John Ioannidis, pre-pandemic, on public health communication
Controlling Big Tech, why is infrastructure so expensive to build and maintain, climate migration is altering the diseases we must confront, and a users-guide to breathing.
Here's what we have this time: Is evolution a "struggle" or "snuggle" for survival? ... Any profound loss, in this case of a father, ripples across our lives like a pebble on a lake. ... Physicians are often asked for advice. But do people want instructions or coaching? ... Finally, "mindful" consideration of one of the true vital signs: the breath.
Excess body fat is associated with many ailments — including breathing problems. Recent research has found reducing adiposity, particularly in the deep abdominal area (visceral fat), is associated with improved breathing as well as ameliorating other ills.
Vital signs matter. And they matter most when they're collected correctly and they provide accurate data. Dismiss them, or do them incorrectly, and the erroneous information will likely result in harmful medical decisions made on your behalf.