
With continued refrains of "too many" or "too few" being applied to manners of birth, which often serve to shame or assign blame, the focus is on the wrong issue. A new study on delivery mode helps inform us on this topic.
A few recent studies with weak design gave birth to the notion that Cesarean Delivery could be associated with later obesity. But a new study in Pediatrics undermines this belief.
Since “fake news” seems to be the current buzz-worthy expression, let's point out that we don't have to look very far to find common medical falsehoods that originate in the Land of Celebrity. Like bubble-headed actresses who get attention for no good reason, here are some phony claims that lead the way.
A new study published in the journal Pediatrics concludes that an early, scheduled delivery is linked to poor childhood development at school age. When and how a baby is born requires assessing a multitude of influencing factors. Educating the masses on the risks and benefits of planned birth for non-medical reasons is very important in making a truly informed decision.
Cesarean-section-born babies miss out on the beneficial bacteria found in the mothers' vaginas. And some hypothesize that this omission makes these infants more susceptible to various ills. A recent study sought to determine if these bacteria could be swabbed on the C-section baby to deliver the missing benefits.
In health news: why no one is to blame for this year's failed flu shot, one in five hysterectomies are unnecessary, & here's one supplement we do love!
Think newborns should be slim and trim? Think again. A very large study evaluating children s health and intellectual status as a function of birth weight found that heavier babies do better in school, with 10 lbs. being optimal.
A new advisory from a Federal panel finds strong evidence that low-dose aspirin reduces the risk of preeclampsia in women at risk of this worrisome pregnancy-related condition. Of course, this recommendation should be individualized for patients.
Get the latest news on the costly Hepatitis C drug, why C-sections have skyrocketed in numbers, and the real reason behind the lack of research on antibiotic research
The majority of twin births approximately 75 percent occur via cesarean section (c-section). However, according to a new clinical trial conducted by researchers at Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto and