Food and Drug Administration

In 2016, the American viewing public was exposed to 663,000 television commercials for pharmaceuticals. That is a significant “ad spend” by Pharma, which we pay for through increased drug pricing. A new study looks at the therapeutic value of the more heavily advertised drugs. The key concept here is “market differentiation.”
Who hasn’t chuckled at a TV prescription drug ad, during its litany of wide-ranging potential side effects? Anal leakage and the oft-repeated erections lasting more than four hours? With direct-to-consumer marketing, product overstatements of health benefits with simultaneous minimization of possible harms have become the norm. Now, the FDA wants to change that.
Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to consumers and pharmacies not to rely on over-the-counter asthma products labeled as homeopathic. In their alert, they write:
The FDA approved a new therapy last week to improve blood sugar control in patients with diabetes primarily type 1 (insulin-dependent). The drug, Afrezza, is a novel short acting insulin formulation administered by
Our aversion to risk is particularly intense when it comes to prescription drugs. The extravagant language used in newspaper headlines, examples of which will be discussed shortly, causes anxious patients to toss their pills away, so-called consumer advocates and government whistle-blowers to blast the drug manufacturers and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for malfeasance, and politicians to call for Congressional hearings.
New York, NY, August 27, 1998 The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) today applauded the Food and Drug Administration for its clarification of the rules governing the labeling of dietary supplements. ACSH agrees with the FDA s specification of the types of health related claims that can be used on dietary supplement labels. This clarification should help manufacturers provide accurate information to consumers,
The American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) today called on the Food and Drug Administration to approve irradiation of beef to limit Americans' exposure to E. coli bacteria