Recently the incidence of syphilis has been increasing in newborn babies and pregnant women, and the United States Preventive Services Task Force has reaffirmed guidelines emphasizing the importance of  pregnant women being screened for the disease. It's relatively easy to cure  syphilis with antibiotic treatment, and caught early it would prevent devastating effects on both babies and moms.
The USPSTF reports that the evidence for screening for skin cancer is weak. Some dermatologists are concerned, saying that lack of evidence of benefit doesn't mean there is no benefit. What should a patient think or do?
The United States Preventive Services Task Force has issued its final recommendations for aspirin use, as it applies to the prevention of cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. It mostly pertains to those in the 50-to-59 and 60-to-69 age groups.
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health recently published its new recommendations in CMAJ, coming out against the use of colonoscopies for colorectal cancer screening in low-risk individuals.
In 2012, an official federal panel designated routine PSA testing a Grade D: don't do it. Since then, doctors across the board have cut back on it. Not urologists, however. Their use of PSAs has not budged. Why? Simply, with more PSAs, abnormal results increase, and more urological procedures are done.
A new advisory report from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening all adults for depression, now to include pregnant women and those who recently gave birth. Drug therapy, talk therapy and behavioral therapies were recommended when appropriate.
Two studies show that fewer men have been screened for prostate cancer using the PSA test since 2012, when a federal panel advised against routine screenings. With doctors increasingly questioning the test's validity, that's a good thing. But the real key is whether reduction in PSA testing has led to a rise in late-stage or fatal prostate cancer.
For the first time, the official federal health panel has recommended aspirin to protect against colorectal cancer, as well as heart attack and stroke. But the guidance is far from clear-cut, with age restrictions and numerous caveats.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is in the process of updating their recommendations for depression screening, now urging family physicians to regularly screen patients for depression. While the recommendation is for all
Another apparently-beneficial screening program lung CT scans for smokers becomes controversial, when Medicare officials decide it should be covered, contradicting its own coverage advisory committee s recommendation. Who needs it? The scan, that is.
The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) stood firm to their 2009 recommendation that women should receive biennial mammograms from ages 50 to 75. The report also continues the party line that starting mammograms at a younger age (i.e. age 40) is a decision that should be made on the individual basis with inpu
According to new recommendations released by the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), all sexually active young adults and