Nuclear Power Could Be A Solution

By ACSH Staff — Jan 29, 2001
To the Editor: Sen. Breaux makes some cogent points concerning America's looming energy crisis (Op-ed, Jan. 18). It is unfortunate, however, that he neglects to mention one energy source which would fulfill his criteria of environmental preservation, high efficiency, and domestic sources to reduce our dependence on foreign cartels: nuclear power.

To the Editor:

Sen. Breaux makes some cogent points concerning America's looming energy crisis (Op-ed, Jan. 18). It is unfortunate, however, that he neglects to mention one energy source which would fulfill his criteria of environmental preservation, high efficiency, and domestic sources to reduce our dependence on foreign cartels: nuclear power.

Nuclear power has been used with safety over the past three decades by many European countries, with excellent efficiency and only one significant accident, at Chernobyl in 1986. In contrast, the U.S. has failed to exploit this safe, clean and efficient energy source, with resultant effects of dependence on foreign oil and potentially environmentally-unfriendly plans to increase domestic oil and gas drilling. Meanwhile, the most technologically-advanced state in the most technologically-advanced country lumbers towards darkness for want of available power. The reason: superstitious, unscientific fear of nuclear power by vocal activists. Shouldn't we be adhering to science on this issue, which would redound to everyone's benefit?

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