ACSH's (Non-Organic) Jujitsu And More

By ACSH Staff — Jul 26, 2002
Call it political martial arts, whereby one can use an opponent's own strength and movements to defeat him....Among our teachers this week is Jeff Stier, an attorney for the American Council on Science and Health and a black belt master at political jujitsu.

Call it political martial arts, whereby one can use an opponent's own strength and movements to defeat him....Among our teachers this week is Jeff Stier, an attorney for the American Council on Science and Health and a black belt master at political jujitsu., bless it, waxes poetic about ACSH's lawsuit against organic foods in a July 24, 2002 article: (For more on ACSH's suit meant to point out the absurdity of California's label-everything-carcinogenic Prop. 65 law see editorials on

In food activists convinced California lawmakers to outlaw mention of "foods of low nutritive value" in its schoolbooks. That means the short story previously called "A Perfect Day for Ice Cream" is now called "A Perfect Day."

from a article by Catherine Donaldson-Evans, July 17, 2002:,2933,57893,00.html

An American food relief expert urged the Zimbabwean drop restrictions on the import of corn that could not be certified free of genetically modified material, saying the food was the only way to avert starvation in the country...In May the government rejected a 10,000 ton donation of corn from the United States because it could not be certified that it was not genetically modified.

from an Associated Press article, July 24, 2002

"What I find interesting is that somebody thinks that $15,000 is going to make any difference to anybody at CBS or for that matter The Nature Conservancy...It seems a pretty paltry sum to me."

Charles Osgood, denying that CBS's ties to environmental groups might suggest bias in their news coverage. The story was not jumped on in the usual follow-the-money fashion by most reporters, but you can read about it here:

"I feel strongly about the dangerous explosion of high-carbohydrate, processed foods, that are killing us, and what we've been told for decades, which has been totally false...We must avoid modern processed foods like cereals, breads and crackers...We should also be drinking six to eight glasses of water per day...By eating plenty of protein, we replenish protein, and we must eat fat to be healthy. We die quicker by not eating enough fat."

or at least so says Richard Mabray, M.D., OB/GYN, FACOG

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