Strung-out on Skeptics

By ACSH Staff — Jan 29, 2006
A January 29, 2006 "Blog On!" column by Dawn Eden described avowedly skeptical and counter-skeptical blogs, noting ACSH's own

A January 29, 2006 "Blog On!" column by Dawn Eden described avowedly skeptical and counter-skeptical blogs, noting ACSH's own

Online seekers of skeptical views will find an easier read at FactsAndFears (, run by the libertarian American Council on Science and Health. The council's experts can be counted upon to debunk claims of dangers posed by chemicals or foods.

FactsAndFears' bloggers can be provocative. I personally dislike their putting the word "carcinogens" in scare quotes, as in a recent post called "Cosmetics, 'Carcinogens,' and Concern." Still, when confronted with the multitude of studies on foods' risks or benefits, a virtual grain of salt is often refreshing. A recent FactsAndFears post discounting the reported perils of tofu is headed, "Soy Many Scares, Soy Little Time."

One theory you won't find debunked on FactsAndFears is evolution. Editor Todd Seavey lumps anti-Darwinists in with "Holocaust deniers, perpetual motion machine-builders, homeopathic cancer-curers, and Bigfoot trackers."

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