Best and Worst of 2006

By ACSH Staff — Dec 20, 2006
A December 20, 2006 year-end highlights column by Arizona's Becky Fenger echoes a choice by ACSH's Dr. Elizabeth Whelan: Dumbest Idea by a State: New Jersey hit the jackpot in this tightly competitive category by slapping a tax on exercising! That's right. The Garden State levied a 7% tax on health club memberships. "Just when we should be giving people incentives to work out, New Jersey is penalizing consumers for doing so. What's next, a tax on diet soda?" asks Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan, president of the American Council on Science and Health.

A December 20, 2006 year-end highlights column by Arizona's Becky Fenger echoes a choice by ACSH's Dr. Elizabeth Whelan:

Dumbest Idea by a State: New Jersey hit the jackpot in this tightly competitive category by slapping a tax on exercising! That's right. The Garden State levied a 7% tax on health club memberships. "Just when we should be giving people incentives to work out, New Jersey is penalizing consumers for doing so. What's next, a tax on diet soda?" asks Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan, president of the American Council on Science and Health.