Voting on Climate Change

By ACSH Staff — Feb 09, 2007
A February 9, 2007 piece by Alan Miller describes one of the monthly debates hosted by ACSH's Todd Seavey, this time on climate change:

A February 9, 2007 piece by Alan Miller describes one of the monthly debates hosted by ACSH's Todd Seavey, this time on climate change:

With Superbowl weekend somewhat eclipsed by the immense media coverage of the latest IPCC Summary, which was released on 2 February, I braced myself against Gotham's recent tundra-like winds and ventured out in the hope of a good debate on whether we face catastrophic climate change or not. A friend had e-mailed me about the discussion, which was hosted by American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) publications director Todd Seavey (who hosted in a personal capacity unrelated to his job).

It was cold, but the cellar of Lower East Side bar Lolita was full to capacity for the debate, "Do We Face Catastrophic Climate Change?" If only we could all vote "no" and know that it were true.

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