Private schools a haven for unvaccinated kids

By ACSH Staff — Sep 11, 2012
Even as California finds itself in the midst of a whooping cough epidemic, more parents are actually foregoing some or all vaccines for their children at great risk to public health.

Even as California finds itself in the midst of a whooping cough epidemic, more parents are actually foregoing some or all vaccines for their children at great risk to public health. According to an analysis by the Associated Press (AP), the problem is particularly bad among private schools, where the rate of children entering without all of their immunizations increased by 10 percent last year, while the rate held steady in public schools for the first time since 2004.

For the report, the AP surveyed schools in California with at least 10 kindergartners in order to compare immunization opt-out figures. In order to prevent disease outbreaks, communities should have at least a 90 percent immunization rate. According to the AP study, however, more than half of kindergartners had not received some or all of their vaccinations in 110 private schools throughout the state. Highland Hall Waldorf School in Northridge topped the list, with an 84 percent opt-out rate.

Fortunately, the California Legislature has approved a bill that requires parents to discuss the benefits of vaccines with a pediatrician or school nurse before refusing the immunization. The bill is now awaiting the approval of Governor Jerry Brown.

Despite the re-emergence of potentially deadly infectious diseases, the number of parents of private school children refusing vaccines for their children has more than doubled since 2004. We hope that the passage of this bill will lead more parents to have their children vaccinated not only to protect their own child, but also to protect the health of other children and members of the community.

The latest findings don t surprise Dr. Bloom, given the Waldorf Schools philosophy, as stated on their website. Schools have educational programs designed in partnership with farms practicing organic or biodynamic agriculture and 157 schools with gardening and farming programs, the site reads. Oy, says Dr. Bloom. It s no coincidence that many parents of children in these schools choose alternative medicine. Whatever that is.

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