The anti-vaccine movement gains traction, ignoring the science

By ACSH Staff — May 15, 2014
Another blogger voice is adding fuel to the anti-vaccine movement. Sharyl Attkisson, an investigative journalist, reports the findings of

vaccAnother blogger voice is adding fuel to the anti-vaccine movement. Sharyl Attkisson, an investigative journalist, reports the findings of research immunologist, Dr. J. Bart Classen, who claims there is convincing evidence that the rise in autism and immune-related disorders in children is related to the rapid increase in the number of vaccines given to children in the U.S.

Dr. Classen s theory follows: increased vaccinations are contributing to an overload on children s immune systems, resulting in persistent inflammation, and exacerbating disease. His most recent research is published in Molecular and Genetic Medicine, in which he presents evidence supposedly supporting the claim that U.S. vaccinations have created a state of immune overload in the majority. Classen comments, We have been publishing for years that vaccines are causing an epidemic of inflammatory diseases including diabetes, obesity and autism. He also brings to light an apparent epidemic of chronic inflammation resulting in a comprehensive inhibitory response manifesting as obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Classen and his supporters assert that the negative impact of vaccinations exceeds almost all prior poisoning of humans including poisoning from agents like asbestos, low dose radiation, lead and even cigarettes. The blog entry speculates that scientists and federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have intentionally minimized research linking vaccines and disease.

ACSH has repeatedly advocated for routine vaccinations to protect individuals and communities. The assertions of scientists such as Classen and the author harm families and children. The truth is that demonizing vaccinations is a public health threat to our communities. Such propaganda, influences parents, and results in outbreaks of measles and other previously suppressed infectious diseases rising across our nation.

Dr. Gilbert Ross adds, These assertions have absolutely no basis in scientific fact. The link between vaccines and autism has been debunked multiple times since it was first proposed by Wakefield, and the bottom line is that there was never any link between vaccines and autism. We urge the public to stop listening to the ideas promoted by the anti-vaccine movement and do what is best for public health, which is to get vaccinated.

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