The American Council on Science and Health, since 1978 America's premier pro-science consumer advocacy non-profit, is pleased to announce the fall edition of our Priorities magazine.
The print magazine is sent free of charge to donors who have made a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more (it's expensive to print, and we don't sell ads or subscriptions, but sometimes donors do sponsor reprints to give away) and is available as a free download to all.
Page 1. Why We Fight by Hank Campbell, President of the American Council on Science and Health.
Page 4. Turning up the Heat on the Noble Lie, by Dr. John Dunn, Civilian Faculty Emergency Medicine at Carl R Darnall Army Medical Center, Fort Hood, Texas
Page 6. Nudging University Research Frameworks into the 21st Century, by Dr. Stuart J. Smyth, Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Saskatchewan.
Page 12. Slower Yields and Other Benefits of Organic Agriculture, by Professor Ralph C. Martin in the Department of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph.
Page 14. Sustainability Threatens Public Health In The Developing World, by Dr. Mikko Paunio, Senior Environment Specialist in the World Bank and adjunct professor in general epidemiology at University of Helsinki.
Page 16. How Rachel Carson Gave Birth To Chemophobia, by Ross Pomeroy, Editor at RealClearScience.
Page 18. Why I Hate Labels, by Dr. Maria Trainer, Managing Director, Science and Regulatory Affairs at CropLife Canada.