Are School Buses Superspreaders?

By Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA — Jul 22, 2021
Twenty-six million children and 480,000 buses travel over 6 billion miles every school year. Add to this mix, many children can have asymptomatic COVID-19 and could act as transmitters, creating a possible superspreader event. But at least one study says not so fast.
Image by Joshua Choate from Pixabay

The study published in the Journal of School Health reports the “transport experience” of an independent 1 to 12th-grade school in Virginia. Of the 1154 students continuing their “in-person” education, 462 students (40%) rode one of about 15 buses to school. Roughly half were grades 1 to 6, a third grades 7 to 9, the rest grades 10 to 12. This is their story.

Of course, the school had a mitigation strategy. Here are the salient features

  • Parents were reminded every day to keep sick children home.
  • There were no temperature or checklists before boarding the bus; temperatures were checked before entering the school.
  • Students, bus drivers, and aides were expected to wear masks on the bus
  • Buses had 11 to 13 rows, providing two double seats per row. 
  • Students were assigned seats, younger to the front. Seating was as distanced as possible, but in two-thirds of the cases, they were full – two to a seat, four in a row.
  • The middle two and last two windows were opened 1” irrespective of the weather.
  • Bus routes ranged from 36 to 74 minutes throughout the day 

Students and staff were tested every other week initially and then weekly beginning in February 2021. A positive test resulted in immediate contact tracing “using the seating charts to trace exposures.” All close contacts, defined as seating within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more, were quarantined for two weeks and tested before returning to school – quarantine was reduced to 10 days as CDC guidance changed. 

Seventy-nine students and 21 staff were identified as COVID positive over the seven months (September to March). Thirty-seven of the students and 2 of the staff were from the bus-riding population. All were sent home to isolate. An additional 52 students were identified as close contacts and quarantined – all were asymptomatic, and all tested negative for COVID-19. Contact tracing demonstrated

  • No student to student transmission
  • No student to adult transmission
  • No adult to student transmission
  • The source of COVID-19 was not bus transportation, even as community spread rose from 53 to 525 cases per 100,000.

Small study, not a great deal of information on risk factors and outcomes other than positive COVID tests. That said, this is empiric evidence that masks, minimal ventilation, and a fraction of distancing, roughly 2-3 feet, were reasonably protective. Add in some vaccinations for the older children, and I believe there is reason to put our children back on the buses. The researchers add their suggestions

  • Assigned seats – it creates cohorts that simplify contact tracing
  • “Create a culture that keeps children and staff from coming to school sick.” 
  • Universal masking while on the bus

The loss of one year of in-person school will have detrimental effects that ripple out for years, more than likely enhancing all-ready present disparities. Our children cannot afford another lost year; masks and assigned seats seem a simple tradeoff in getting them all back in school.


Source: COVID-19 Transmission during Transportation of 1st to 12th Grade Students: Experience of an Independent School in Virginia Journal of School Health DOI: 10.1111/josh.13058


Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA

Director of Medicine

Dr. Charles Dinerstein, M.D., MBA, FACS is Director of Medicine at the American Council on Science and Health. He has over 25 years of experience as a vascular surgeon.

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