ACSH Advisor Dr. Jeffrey Singer Challenges The False Narrative In A Federalist Society Panel Discussion About the Opioid Crisis

By Josh Bloom — Aug 09, 2021
Dr. Jeff Singer of the Cato Institute, and also a member of the ACSH Board of Scientific Advisors was invited to participate in a panel discussion on ending the opioid crisis. Here is a description of the event and a link to a YouTube video of the discussion.
Image: YouTube, Federalist Society

The Federalist Society recently organized a panel discussion on how to end the opioid crisis. One of the four participants was Dr. Jeffrey Singer of the Cato Institute, who is also a member of the ACSH's Board of Scientific Advisors:

"On July 26 I had the privilege to participate in a Federalist Society teleforum on “Opioids in 2021: Enforcement Strategies and Policy Prescriptions.” The moderated discussion included former federal prosecutors Robert M. Duncan, Jr and Christina E. Nolan and University of Chicago Professor of Public Policy Tomas J. Philipson. We had a very lively discussion, ably moderated by Dean Reuter, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the Federalist Society."

"It presented a great opportunity for me to provide important information and insights that challenge the conventional narrative regarding opioid use and substance use disorder, and the causes of the overdose epidemic."

Dr. Jeffrey Singer, Private Communication, 8/9/21

I have embedded the YouTube video below and strongly suggest that everyone who is concerned with opioid policy take the time to watch it. Dr. Singer clearly points out the flaws in our handling of the opioid crisis, which can really be best described as a prohibition crisis. 



Josh Bloom

Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science

Dr. Josh Bloom, the Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, comes from the world of drug discovery, where he did research for more than 20 years. He holds a Ph.D. in chemistry.

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