Elizabeth M. Whelan, M.P.H., M.S., Sc.D.

Elizabeth M. Whelan, M.P.H., M.S., Sc.D.


whelanIMG_7060final webDr. Elizabeth M. Whelan, the late President and Founder of the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH). founded ACSH in 1978 and served as ACSH's visionary leader until her death on September 11, 2014.

Whelan was a graduate of Connecticut College. She held a Masters in Public Health from the Yale School of Medicine a Master of Science from the Harvard School of Public Health, and a Doctor of Science from the Harvard School of Public Health .

Whelan was the author or co-author of twenty-three books on nutrition, smoking, and environmental issues. She authored or co-authored over 300 articles for popular and professional publications such as Across the Board, Health Confidential, Journal of the American Medical Association, and newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal and New York Post.

Whelan held many professional affiliations and honorary positions in associations such as Men and Women in Science, the American Institute of Nutrition, and the American Medical Writers Association. She received numerous awards during her careeer, including ones from the American Public Health Association and the American Institute of Chemists.