Happy Meals...NRDC...the Law of Averages

By ACSH Staff — Aug 07, 2002
I can attest to the almost hypnotic effect of the Happy Meal...I realize I am buying concentrated fat and acrylamides in a box, but they come with toys. from an amusing July 29 Houston Chronicle article about suing fast-food companies for making people fat. Available at: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/editorial/outlook/1512903 Also see ACSH's comments on the closely-related threat of a "fat tax" on FactsAndFears.

I can attest to the almost hypnotic effect of the Happy Meal...I realize I am buying concentrated fat and acrylamides in a box, but they come with toys.

from an amusing July 29 Houston Chronicle article about suing fast-food companies for making people fat. Available at: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/editorial/outlook/1512903

Also see ACSH's comments on the closely-related threat of a "fat tax" on FactsAndFears.

Unfortunately, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), who has worked closely with EPA on this issue [pesticide residues in food], has recently disseminated misinformation rather than facts.

Joe Martyak of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in a press release chastising the environmental activist group NRDC for exaggerating health risks. See: http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/prime/0806-152.html

"The law of averages calls for some areas to be above average and some areas to be below average."

Read ACSH's article and booklet about "Cancer Clusters."

ACSH's associate director Jeff Stier, quoted in a July 28 Hartford Courant article, explaining one of the most important basic facts about "cancer clusters."

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