ACSH in the News (from January 2008-March 2008)

By ACSH Staff — Mar 31, 2008
¢A March 23, 2008 piece by Denise Mann on WebMD quoted Dr. Ruth Kava on ACSH's review of articial sweeteners: ¢A brief letter from Dr. Gilbert Ross about the FDA's finding of no danger from 1,4-dioxane appeared in the March 23, 2008 Los Angeles Times under the title "Toxicant Finding No Basis for Worry." ¢ mentioned ACSH as a counterpoint to CSPI in its March 2008 list of useful nutrition resources.

¢A March 23, 2008 piece by Denise Mann on WebMD quoted Dr. Ruth Kava on ACSH's review of articial sweeteners:

¢A brief letter from Dr. Gilbert Ross about the FDA's finding of no danger from 1,4-dioxane appeared in the March 23, 2008 Los Angeles Times under the title "Toxicant Finding No Basis for Worry."

¢ mentioned ACSH as a counterpoint to CSPI in its March 2008 list of useful nutrition resources.

¢The March 2008 issue of Reason contained Todd Seavey's cover article on exaggerations about nanotech, "Neither Gods nor Goo."

¢The blog piece "Fifty AGs, 50 State Standards" cited a New York Post column by Jeff Stier in March 2008.

¢ACSH was cited in the Fall River [MA] Herald News piece "Reliable Resources" in March 2008.

¢ noted ACSH on March 18, 2008 in the piece "FDA disregarded results on food from cloned animals."

¢Dr. Gilbert Ross was part of a March 17, 2008 roundtable online discussion of Off-Labeling Marketing.

¢Jeff Stier was interviewed by Vicki McKenna on her radio show on March 11, 2008 about PharmaWater.

¢Jeff Stier appeared on Fox Business Network's Money for Breakfast show on March 6, 2008 to discuss a draconian CPSC bill:

¢Jeff Stier was quoted as counterpoint to John McCain's comments about vaccine/autism theories in a piece called "McCain 'Missteps' on Autism" by Mary Beth Faller in the Arizona Republic on March 6, 2008.

¢The March 5, 2008 Palm Beach Post piece "Listen to Your Doctor, Not the Celebrity," quoted ACSH's Dispatch on that point.

¢Jeff Stier appeared on CNBC in February 2008 discussing the safety of the nation's food supply:

¢Health Policy Digest on February 19, 2008 cited ACSH's Krystal Wilson on statins.

¢Dr. Gilbert Ross's comment about chemicals in baby bottles appeared on Google News in February.

¢Jeff Stier was on Maine Public Radio discussing BPA on February 7, 2008.

¢Dr. Elizabeth Whelan was interviewed on CNBC about the World Health Organization's new plan to deal with Phillip Morris International.

¢Dr. Gilbert Ross was interviewed by two different Canadian national television systems, CTV and CBC on the safety of plastic baby bottles.

¢Dr. Gilbert Ross's comment about plastics, reacting to the National Post, appeared on Google News in February 2008.

¢An Indianapolis Star piece from February 2008 on fears of lipstick lead levels cited ACSH as a counterpoint to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

¢ Dr. Elizabeth Whelan appeared on CNBC in February 2008:

¢Dr. Elizabeth Whelan appeared on CBS's Early Show on February 5, 2008 discussing phthalates.

¢Jeff Stier's comment on ABC's anti-vaccine autism story appeared on Google News in February 2008.

¢The site Busted Halo in January 2008 featured a condensed version of a Dr. Elizabeth Whelan piece criticizing religious officials for not counseling against smoking.

¢The blog of BantheBanWisconsin cited Dr. Elizabeth Whelan on smoking in January 2008.

¢Dr. Gilbert Ross's comment about causes of earlier puberty, reacting to the Baltimore Sun, appeared on Google News in January 2008.

¢Dr. Elizabeth Whelan appeared on CNN on January 31, 2008 discussing safety concerns about imported drugs.

¢Jeff Stier posted a comment about calorie counts on a New York Times blog on January 24, 2008 at

¢Jeff Stier was quoted by the New York Sun about tuna safety on January 24, 2008.

¢Jeff Stier was on Fox Business Network to talk to Peter Barnes about soda on January 10, 2008.

¢ACSH introduced its recent site via YouTube at

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