Dispatch: Monsanto Rounds-Up Supreme Court Support

By ACSH Staff — Jun 22, 2010
Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the ruling of a federal appeals court that had prohibited Monsanto Co. from selling alfalfa seeds genetically modified to resist the weed killer Roundup.

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the ruling of a federal appeals court that had prohibited Monsanto Co. from selling alfalfa seeds genetically modified to resist the weed killer Roundup.

While the government must still complete an environmental impact statement to approve the crop, ACSH’s Dr. Gilbert Ross believes that “the survey will confirm what we’ve known for 15 years — biotech crops present no unusual hazard to the environment including gene contamination, wildlife or human health effects.”

The case also marks the first-ever instance that the Supreme Court has ruled on genetically modified crops. “This decision, while very narrow in focus, is a good sign for Monsanto and all other biotech agricultural companies,” says Dr. Ross.

“It’s good news for farmers, as well as good news for people who eat,” adds ACSH's Jeff Stier.

In response to whether or not the approval of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready alfalfa seeds will pose any risks, Dr. Ross readily responds, “There are no negative impacts. So-called environmentalists opposed to genetically modified agriculture are against their use for reasons having nothing to do with health or science and everything to do with superstition and fear of ‘Franken-foods’ and anti-business policies.”

Monsanto says it hopes to have the GMO alfalfa seeds ready for growers to plant this fall.

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