The Latest from Dr. Oz: A 'Miracle' Weight-Loss Drug

By ACSH Staff — Mar 04, 2014
Dr. Oz is at it again, and millions of viewers are watching and listening to what he has to say. His latest scam is a pill that he claims will lead to the loss of 25 pounds of fat in one month. And

The_Dr._Oz_Show_logoDr. Oz is at it again, and millions of viewers are watching and listening to what he has to say. His latest scam is a pill that he claims will lead to the loss of 25 pounds of fat in one month. And according to him, all the celebrities are using it with astounding results. But there s more according to Dr. Oz, you can take this pill without combining it with diet and exercise and still see amazing results! His research indicates that the main ingredient in this pill, Garcinia Cambogia extract derived from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit native to Indonesia, can help to speed up metabolism, especially in women over 40. We re not sure where he s getting his facts, though.

And he s using testimony from celebrities to make it seem like this is actually a miracle drug. He claims that Kirstie Alley, Rachael Ray and Christina Aguilera have all reported losing significant amounts of body fat with this drug.

Well, there s a catch, as there is with most of the other products he promotes on his show. This pill doesn t actually work. There is absolutely no science behind his claims, and no evidence to support his claims that this pill will lead to drastic weight loss, an energy boost, cardiovascular and digestive health and a boost in antioxidant levels in your body.

ACSH s Ariel Savransky comments: What Dr. Oz is doing through his own television show as well as through other public appearances is actually very dangerous. He has a huge following, and the public is listening to his advice. However, he should be ashamed of himself. He s using his status as a mainstream surgeon practicing at one of the premiere hospitals in New York City to push this quackery into other people s lives. His current positions as a professor in the Department of Surgery at Columbia University, as well as the director of the Cardiovascular Institute and Complementary Medicine Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, make it seem like he would be a credible source, but this is not the case. I m surprised these hospitals would continue to allow him on their staff, since he has abandoned the ethics of medicine to promote quack cure-alls to make money. Rather than practicing medicine, he has become an entertainment mogul who continues to exploit his tremendous medical credibility and that of his hospital affiliations.

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