One Of The Four Horsemen of The Alternative Doesn't Like Us, And More Media Links

By Hank Campbell — Oct 17, 2016
1. Dr. Gary Null, one of the Four Horsemen of the Alternative (along with Oz, Chopra and Weil), is now most famous for hosting a conspiracy theory radio program and producing straight-to-video movies funded by organic food groups. Environmental Working Group has never produced a science study but they have overturned 500,000 biologists, according to Null, while the US EPA, which just cleared glyphosate of weird claims made by an IARC Working Group that was hijacked by an Environmental Defense Fund consultant, is secretly suppressing damaging data about Monsanto. 

1. Dr. Gary Null, one of the Four Horsemen of the Alternative (along with Oz, Chopra and Weil), is now most famous for hosting a conspiracy theory radio program and producing straight-to-video movies funded by organic food groups.

Environmental Working Group has never produced a science study but they have overturned 500,000 biologists, according to Null, while the US EPA, which just cleared glyphosate of weird claims made by an IARC Working Group that was hijacked by an Environmental Defense Fund consultant, is secretly suppressing damaging data about Monsanto. 

He makes even wackier claims, like that former FDA official and current ACSH friend Dr. Henry I Miller, has "a history of denying smoking’s association to cancer and heart disease" - his source for that specious claim, the website, which is a puppet site created to support the known anti-GMO fraud Gilles-Eric Seralini. He gushes about the corporate mouthpiece US Right to Know, which he claims is "devoted to exposing what the food industry and Big Agriculture corporations such as Monsanto don’t want the public to know" - but leaves out that 97 percent of their funding is from the organic corporations they were created to support. What does Sourcewatch make of that fact? Nothing, because they are a political site devoted to undermining data and promoting the executive director's political party. She doesn't criticize US Right To Know because she serves on the board of US Right To Know. They are all Deniers For Hire, and the only people hiring them hate science.

Yet those two groups are his primary sources. Using that echo chamber, he further claims Genetic Literacy Project and University of California at Davis are secretly lobbying groups and that we are shills for Big Chemical, because we note there is nothing wrong with BPA - which the EPA also showed, along with every reputable science body. The only thing he left out of his random screed is that GMOs cause autism. There is no point in going on, Null is nuts. You can read his long-winded polemic against science on something called Center for Research on Globalization here.

2. You read last week about food activist Michael Pollan's unhinged, libelous jab at us. His lack of a clue is understandable, if slimy, because he hasn't learned anything in the last 25 years, however what is worse is another pseudo-journalist, this one at a site called Thrillist, doing the same thing while blatantly plagiarizing him. These people are paid little, they have to pump out a lot of volume and have pageview quotas. I get why stealing from the New York Times makes sense to companies like that, but it's still icky and will make it hard to get a job at a real media outlet. 

3. Voice of America has joined in on calling on the corrupt UN to fix the mess it created in Haiti, citing our Dr. Julianna LeMieux.

Vaccinating all 10 million Haitians on the island would cost over $100 million, according to the American Council on Science and Health.

"That said, when you break something in a store, you have to buy it," Dr. Julianna LeMieux of ACSH wrote on their website. "It's time for the international body to give its health experts the financial support they need to correct the catastrophe it created."

Since VOA is syndicated, it was also on

Newsgram -

Citizen Digital -

The National Memo -

Numerous other scientific studies also pointed toward the role of the peacekeepers. Julianna LeMieux, senior fellow in molecular biology at the American Council on Science and Health, recently wrote, “The scientific community has known for years that the U.N. brought cholera to Haiti.”

and other sites picked up the topic again:


How the U.S. and U.N. Set the Stage for a Major Cholera Outbreak in Haiti

Numerous other scientific studies also pointed toward the role of the peacekeepers. Julianna LeMieux, senior fellow in molecular biology at the American Council on Science and Health, recently wrote, “The scientific community has known for years that the U.N. brought cholera to Haiti.”

4. Want to read what other countries think about our food policy? You'd better learn Spanish. 

La razón por la que Obama ya nunca habla de comida en sus discursos ("The reason why Obama would never talk about food in his speeches")

El mejor resumen del paso de los Obama por la presidencia en cuanto a lo que alimentación se refiere, vino de la mano del American Council on Science and Health. El portavoz del gran grupo de la industria química bautizó al  matrimonio Obama como los "liberales orgánicos de limosina” o, lo que es lo mismo, como los pijos de izquierdas.

Sloppy translation: The best summary of President Obama's solution for food issues came from the American Council on Science and Health, who termed the Obama garden the work of "organic limousine liberals", which is the same as saying left-wing snobs.

5. Finally, Center for Inquiry covers what to us was the most interesting part of the Wikileaks release of John Podesta emails - his ongoing belief in magic, like that we are hiding a UFO conspiracy, that vaccines cause autism and GMOs cause everything else. Some people deny that certain science positions are held more strongly by one party - but the evidence is clear.

Also revealed, UFO enthusiast and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta is anti-GMO and holds some tiresome views about FDA and industry collusion to sidestep safety concerns.

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