Here’s to the Band

By Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA — Dec 27, 2023
I am beginning my eighth year as a writer for the American Council on Science and Health. It has been quite a journey, and given that New Year's is approaching, I wanted to take a moment.

Near the end of his career, Frank Sinatra recorded “Here’s to the Band,” which captures what I would like to say

“To start at the ground and reach for the top

To have such a wonderful career, I just gotta stop

Stop and turn around to thank everyone that sits on the stand.

Cause I wouldn't have made it without them, here's to the band!

Here's to those ladies and the gentlemen.”

I would like to thank the J-Man, Dr. Josh Bloom, for taking the time and interest in bringing me on board, and Henry, Dr. Miller, our newest full-time writer who brings a gravitas to all of our work in addition to having known and having a story about everyone. Then there are the most active members of our Board of Scientific Advisors, who have tolerated my editing and cajoling and have my everlasting appreciation and respect. Dr. Fred Lipfert is a man who fully embraces the idea of being a citizen scientist and is a role model for how to live a full and rewarding life. Dr. Barbara Billauer, our resident ethicist and attorney, always thought-provoking and consistently trying to slip some legal jargon past me – Barbara’s attorney mind is very particular about her word choices. My go-to toxicologist, Susan Goldhaber, has found a way to simplify toxicology and its regulation for myself and our readers. She makes editing fun.

I would be remiss in not thanking Julie, the putative “research assistant” to the J-Man, for sharing her views of what is to be found on the Internet and providing a constant stream of ideas. And Erik Lief, our Director of Communications, the only one willing and able to pick up Weekend Edition when I sneak away for some time away. And to the two least visible members of the band. Cheryl Martin, the brains behind the operation, manages ACSH’s business affairs (it isn’t easy being a non-profit) and is our historian. She is always there in quiet support. All of us “in the band” owe a special thanks to Thom Golab, ACSH President and the gentleman with the unenviable task of raising money and keeping all of the above working and getting paid.

Finally, a special thank you to all our readers, especially those willing to lend me their attention for a few minutes. For a retired and lapsed surgeon, a chance to share what I have and am learning is as great an honor as the care my patients allowed me to provide. I am humbled by the opportunity.     




Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA

Director of Medicine

Dr. Charles Dinerstein, M.D., MBA, FACS is Director of Medicine at the American Council on Science and Health. He has over 25 years of experience as a vascular surgeon.

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