Millions of women worldwide have been tested for cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV) and other problems via the PAP test. The procedure was invented in 1943 by Dr. George Papanicolaou (thus the name), and has become the most widely used cancer-screening test in the world
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Opinion piece by Richard Tren calls out the activists posing as public health scientists on key issues. His the emperor has no clothes essay should be required reading for environmentalists.
We at ACSH are sure that you have heard us comment repeatedly that nothing surprises us anymore, because we ve already heard it all.
Teenage American girls are more likely to get pregnant than teens living in any other developed country. Although teenage
would like to nominate Arvind Mahankali to be the next head of the USDA. Why? He is obviously very smart, has an outstanding work ethic, and a superb vocabulary. He may...[Read more].
We ve said it many times in the past, and we ll say it again vaccines are a true public health miracle, banishing diseases from diphtheria to polio, which have killed hundreds of thousands in global epidemics.
Organic foods and GM foods are not usually thought of as having any relationship to each other. However, in an op-ed published in the Daily Caller, Patrick Moore, a former head of Greenpeace
Bariatric surgery is effective at reducing the BMI of obese individuals and in many cases ameliorating the severity of type 2 diabetes over the course of 1 to 2 years. Many longer-term studies have been observational in nature, and cannot provide data on the causes of the benefit. In order for reliance to be placed on such results, longer-term, randomized studies are necessary.
George Washington Carver, director of the department of agricultural research at the Tuskegee Institute, continues his
Dr. Betsy McCaughey, a former ACSH Trustee, redirects the blame game in her most recent piece, Lethal Lies About Hospital
Here's a recap of the latest health news stories: The latest and lamest diet soda study, autism awareness up, not rates, and another false dig at phthalates.
The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, in particular a strain of Staphlococcus aureus (SA ) resistant to methicillin (MRSA) (a member of the fluoroquinolone class of drugs) has concerned physicians and caused hospitals to review and revamp their sanitation procedures.
It would seem that Jenny McCarthy has been expanding and refining her knowledge base in the field of immunology.
After being ardently anti-vaccine for years (and doing who knows how much damage during that time), she now maintains that she is pro-vaccine, but ¦
A recent piece on Science 2.0 by Hank Campbell the creator of the site reflects the phony activist claims and anti-science
Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS) recently introduced a bill that would preempt any efforts by state legislatures to require manufacturers to label the presence of genetically-engineered ingredients in their products. His bill, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (SAFLA), would give this responsibility to the FDA instead.
Can you die of a broken heart? A new report says maybe so. Among a group of people who had recently lost a loved one, cardiovascular events increased significantly over the following month.
t s all over the news today. Depending on the accuracy of the headline, you may conclude that worms live longer when exposed to glucosamine, mice live 10 percent longer when fed glucosamine or that YOU may live 8 years longer if you take the stuff.
As we always caution, be careful of the headlines. They are often misleading or just plain wrong.
Last week, the Vermont Senate approved a bill that would require labeling of all foods containing genetically-modified (GMO) ingredients. The bill is now going back to the House for their re-approval.
Top health stories: A shout out to the brilliant Trevor Butterworth and his take on the BPA scare, why you shouldn't run off to the nearest vitamin store before reading our take on Glucosamine, and the real uses and mis-uses, for the Body Mass Index (BMI).
Today marks the 8th annual official recognition, via World Malaria Day, of the horrendous toll taken by the mosquito-born infection. Although we have seen significant declines in the death toll worldwide from malaria over the past 10 years, much work remains to be done to get these numbers even lower. The theme of World Malaria Day this year is "Invest in the Future: Defeat Malaria," which is a reminder of the challenges we still face in the future.
A new study by Dr. Ivan Ngai and colleagues from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center in New York City suggests that women who are diagnosed with
The science of the complex interaction between fat and carbohydrate intake and health outcomes is explained almost simply in Nina Teicholz Wall Street Journal Saturday Essay. Suffice it to say that the bacon leads to heart disease theory is on its last legs.
Hank Campbell of Science 2.0 points out the vast gulf between journalism and pandering in an irresponsible way merely to get attention, whatever the cost to sound science and public health. Same concern applies to phony research targeting chemicals.
How s this for irony? Over 100 attendees of a food safety summit in Baltimore reported suffering from gastrointestinal problems after attending the conference. The
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