
“Plants have photoreceptors that respond to different wavelengths of light, allowing them to differentiate not only brightness but color.
I've always been bullish about American scientific and technological supremacy, not in some starry-eyed, jingoistic way, but due to the simple reality that the United States remains the world's research and development engine.
There is a pervasive bias in academia against scientists who work in industry.
Academia is in meltdown. There simply is no nice way to put it.
In Act I, scene iv of Hamlet, Marcellus warns us, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." Likewise, something is rotten in the state of academic science.
The humanities are in big trouble. That's the conclusion drawn by Benjamin Schmidt, an Assistant Professor of History at Northeastern University. He has the data to back it up.
There's no nice way to put this. Academia is in the midst of self-destructing, not just in the United States but worldwide.
One of the many problems with academia is that it allows nutcases to flourish.
Last month there was talk of a 20 percent cut in funding for the National Institutes of Health, which is the primary source of academic life sciences grants.
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