agricultural pesticides

On a personal level, it’s Saturday morning.
"It's a war" Steve Tebbets USDA Commodity Protection and Quality Research Entomologist
When Bruce Ames talks about toxicity, it's time to listen (1). Ames is the inventor of the hugely important Ames test for mutagenicity, which measures the damage done to DNA by a given chemical.
It is a fairly safe bet that Alex Berezow is going to have a
We were rather perturbed to see a piece by Julie Revelant on
Today we give a big shoutout to Hank Campbell, whose
Steve Savage, an expert on agriculture, pesticides
Year in and year out, agricultural pes
Year in and year out, agricultural pesticides have been the subject of considerable fear-mongering, leaving the typical consumer with the impression that these chemicals taint much of our food supply and are harmful to human health.
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