carey gillam

Activist groups utilize a well-worn set of propaganda tools to turn the public against pesticides. These range from funding junk studies to buying favorable media coverage and filing endless lawsuits against chemical manufacturers.
What do you do when the evidence doesn't support your conclusion?
One of the best ways to sustain your bad ideas is to surround yourself with people who think just as you do. Like a cult member who only associates with other true believers, you're effectively cut off from outside scrutiny.
During a recent trip to Home Depot, I found myself standing next to another customer in the lawn and garden department. He was attentively looking over a container of the weed killer Roundup. "Isn't this the one that causes cancer?" he asked.
Most days, the world is unfair. Bad people succeed, good people fail, and those who deserve justice never get it.
I've been a science writer and editor for nearly eight years. During this time, I've learned a few things.
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