childhood vaccines

Babies and young children with middle ear infections (acute otitis media or AOM) can be the bane of parents’ existence, leading to sleepless nights and frustration when a child is suffering.
Every year, the recommended childhood and adolescent vaccine schedules are reviewed, adjusted and approved by the following governing bodies:  American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers f
If the photo attached to this article does not make you smile, then I question whether you have a soul.  The act alone contributes to such known positive health benefits.  So, take a little look inside and find your joy - whether it is w
The American Academy of Pediatrics convened a committee to guide clinicians on “Countering Vaccine Hesitancy” among parents. This policy statement, publis
Childhood vaccines via Shutterstock
What happens when you have the healthiest childhood imaginable, as a child of a health nut, consuming no MSG, livin
In a disturbingly coincidental juxtaposition in the current issue of the journal Pediatrics, an
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