Covid-19 testing

So many articles, so little time. Let us get right to it. Could there be a genetic component to COVID-19’s ill effects?
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act has lots of money going to lots of people in lots of ways.
Some medical pundits and subsequently, the media are raising concerns about the actual percentages of those errors. Still, I would argue that at the moment, most of that discussion, however well-intended, is unimportant. 
Covid-19 coverage is everywhere and the spreading infection remains a concern for everyone, especially all the furor over testing, coming soon to your neighborhood.
As with most viral infections, the standard treatment, and this applies to roughly 80% of Covid-19 cases in the aggregate population, is rest, hydration, and symptomatic relief, i.e., antipyretics – medications to reduce fever and antitussive
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