
Human physiology is complex, involving many chemical, cellular, and neuronal mediators. As a result of the multiplicity of interactions, there are continuous, tiny fluctuations, whether we measure chemical or electrical biomarkers.
A 50-year-old man’s rare condition caused by a catastrophic stroke leaves him unable to move, speak or perform basic functions like chewing an
How often do you hear of someone using their spouse’s antibiotic medication that was prescribed for a prior illness but not entirely if ever used? Or, a teen sharing her friend’s birth control pills?
Inclusivity for those with chronic disease or differing abilities is gaining momentum as a fashion trend. And it is about time, for all of the innumerable obvious reasons.
One of my best friends recently commented that it's disturbing how many Nazis, communists, and terrorists he's friends with on Facebook.
It is a common human problem not being able to see the forest for the trees. The other day Senator Claire McCaskill was choking at a lunch with colleagues.
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