end of life

Before jumping in let me address the large unspoken of this discussion. The thoughtful reader will already know or quickly come to realize the truth of the words of one of the Commission’s members,
For some illnesses, the end times come slowly over a long enough period that the anxiety provoked in discussing what to do as death nears is eased and plans can be made.
For those patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that has reached the point where their kidneys no longer function, dialysis offers a form of chronic life support.
Hospice care focuses on patient comfort during their last months of life differing from palliative care in that there is no longer any focus on “curative treatment.” Medicare has provided this benefit since 1983 requiring
News travels fast with the Internet of things and announcements just made like that of the death of Penny Marshall – film director, producer and actress of “Laverne & Shirley” fame – spreads at warp speed.
It is difficult to make care decisions when you are entrusted by a family member whose dementia is so advanced that it now requires the continuous care of a nursing home.
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