gender bias

The researchers, reporting in PLOS One, set out looking at “honorific” street names – when a street maintains its positional name, like 161st Street and River Avenue, and gains another name, Mariano Rivera Avenue, in their honor.
As much as I have loved and quietly chuckled over the many media headlines (and social media commentary) this week about a new study suggesting female patients with heart attack
Are you shocked by this news?  Me, not so much.  But, hats off to the Harvard research team and their new approach to tackling gender inequality in medicine by getting back to the basics:  Let the evidence speak for itself.  An
Watching the jaw drop or tug-of-war facial reaction battle of another person when they discover my educational and career endeavors is so uniformly commonplace that I would be hard pressed to come up with a day let alone a week where such an occur
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