genetically modified crops

One of the troubles with agriculture is the need for farmers to apply fertilizer. The plants don't soak up all of it, which inevitably results in fertilizer running off into lakes and rivers.
I have been a long-time reader of Pacific Standard (once called Miller-McCune), a publication that tries to be the West Coast equivalent of The Atlantic.
Bt brinjal (eggplant) is a genetically modified plant which is created by inserting a gene from
Last November, Maui voters through a ballot initiative passed a ban on the cultivation of genetically engineered crops.
The latest in health this week: Amino acids key in Alzheimer's may develop 20 to 30 years prior to onset of illness, the March Against Myths of Modification needs your help in debunking the dangers of GMOs, and Metabolic Syndrome affects one in ev
The latest in health news: Consumers want GMO labels, but few know the facts, flu season is the worst one yet and failed flu shot to blame, & a class of drugs called anticholinergics have been linked to dementia later in life.
The latest in health news: The Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency releases review on low-risk fracking, a stem cell transplant method provides new hope for MS treatment, & why Golden Rice mustn't be stopped.
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