I explained to Lars that this all started in 1986 when the White House published a white paper, The Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology, which got the science right—regulation should be risk-based, not dictated by the me
Given the recent appointment of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Humans have practiced genetic modification, or genetic engineering (GE), of plants and animals through selection and breeding for more than 10,000 years. It’s called agriculture.
Humans have practiced genetic modification, or genetic engineering (GE), of plants and animals through selection and breeding for more than 10,000 years. It’s called agriculture.
Our conversation starts with Britain's King Charles and his past antagonism toward molecular genetic engineering.
The first Earth Day celebration, a nationwide environmental teach-in held in 1970, was the brainchild of Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who was interested in environmental issues.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are created by moving a gene into a crop or animal. With this added gene, a new protein enhances the plant or animal.
The blog is on the FDA’s new material to increase “public and professional understanding of GMOs,” 
“Our lack of desire to communicate science to the public has created major problems for the science community,” the journal Nature reported in June 2016.
Why is Europe persevering in restricting the use of agricultural biotechnology and why does it renounce its benefits?