medicare advantage

Medicare Advantage (MA) continues to attract more Medicare-eligible beneficiaries. A new survey by the Commonwealth Fund sought to identify the “value-added” services provided by MA over traditional Medicare.
Over the last few years, enrollment in Medicare Advantage has grown significantly; nearly half of Medicare beneficiaries now belong to one of the 43 plans available. Why not?
Medicare, Parts A and B, provide coverage to the eligible, those over 65, and those who qualify because of a specific illness, like end-stage renal disease or due to income limitations, with coverage for hospitalization and physician care.
Medicare Advantage’s Value Proposition
On October 15th, Medicare’s version of trick or treat opens its doors. From that date until December 7th, Medicare beneficiaries have the option and opportunity to modify their out-of-pocket costs for the next year.
A walk through old New York will bring memories of Three Card Monte a confidence game, disguised as a game of chance, a variation on the shell game – all one has to do is identify the money card among three faced down cards.
Medicare Advantage programs are attractive to patients because it costs them less than traditional Medicare but the savings come with a cost in that Medicare Advantage utilizes narrow networks – they limit the physicians and facilities for their m
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