It is hard to explain one’s pain and equally challenging to describe in academic literature. Unfortunately, the numbers used to quantify both are given an unearned certainty.
opioid prescribing
As an unpaid healthcare writer and patient advocate, I’ve written for 27 years on opioid prescribing, pai
A recent perspective piece in the Washington Post is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the so-called "opioid epidemic."&nb
With all eyes focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, it is easy to lose sight of the other epidemic, one that claimed an estimated 76,000 lives during the 12 months endin
As a volunteer patient advocate, I do my best to stay current on declarations of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, concerning the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Thus I recently reviewed the CDC "Get Informed" page on p
Reprinted with permission. Dr.