
We talked about the risks associated with human error in high-security research labs, emphasizing the need for appropriate regulation and oversight.
The baseline cohort consisted of 10,552 individuals, 55% women. The overall incidence for hip fractures was 789/100,000 in women, 240/100,000 in men – somewhat less than the nationally reported figures.  Results
Promising work just published in Nature Medicine especially offers hope to chronically ill patients battling drug-resistant infections while most compromised with weakened im
Fractures due to the declining health of our bones places a substantial burden on patients, at one year 60% require assistance with daily living, 40% are unable to walk independently, and 20-30% are dead.
Mention osteoporosis-preventing nutrients and most people will think of calcium and vitamin D, even though my colleague Dr.
Menopause often has some pretty negative effects on women. Their risks of heart disease, osteoporosis and obesity all increase, to say nothing of the hot flashes that can make life a misery.
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