
Using data from 3 large prospective epidemiological studies, the Nurses' Health Study, the Nurses' Health Study II, and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, investigator looked at the possible associations between consumption of peanuts and t
Researchers have been working for years to find a means of treating peanut allergy with various degrees of success, as we wrote about here.
Several years ago, a school bus full of elementary students in Massachusetts was evacuated. A potentially deadly item was found on the floor. Was it a gun? A bomb? A blood-contaminated hypodermic needle?
On my recent flight to New York City, an attendant announced that a passenger had a severe peanut allergy. If any of us had brought food containing peanuts, it was requested that we put it away for the entire flight.
Dogs love peanut butter— but just because they go nuts over that delicious goodness does not mean every type of nut is safe for your furry friend. We chatted with Dr. Tim Hunt about which common types are safe to feed your pooch!
Food allergies can give parents nightmares, especially when their allergic kids are away
The war on the P-B and J has been waged in our schools for some time now.
The possible association between nut and peanut consumption and mortality rate in both Caucasian and
In health news: Plain ole water is getting a makeover new, but not necessarily improved, could nuts be the new powerhouse foods? Some think so, and the world lights it up blue for World Autism Awareness Day.
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