
Admissions policies at universities are going to change — for the better.
There is a hierarchy within medicine, the referral food chain. At the top are the predators, specialists doing procedures and interventions and getting the big bucks.
Physicians from across the political spectrum, from all over the country and representing nearly every specialty, came to Washington, DC earlier this week to advocate for and protect patients by shining a spotlight on the many hidden ways healthca
Our culture likes lists. Especially if they are distilled down versions of unwieldy, complex topics.
Why do some physicians have better outcomes and spend less than others? If only we knew the answer, then everyone could have better care at less expense – the holy grail of production efficiency.
The results of the biennial 2018 Survey of America’s Physicians, intended to “take the pulse” of doctors in the U.S., were recently
One thing is for certain in our so-called broken “health system,” devaluing and eroding of the doctor-patient relationship is par for the course these days, typically a first measure without any thoughtful consideration of the profound and extensi
I hate politics. Is that enough of a disclosure? Well, I hate erosion of the doctor-patient relationship even more, especially when predicated on politicized falsehoods.
A study by the UK National Cardiac Arrest Audit (NCAA) echoes previous global data that hospital survival is reduced for those admitted on weekends and at night. (1) 
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