Presidential Health

Would our deceased Presidents fare better today medically than they did in their respective eras? The answer might surprise you.
As I watched, along with the rest of the world, the press conference on the results of President Trump’s routine physical exam, questions flooded my mind about the immense scope of Rear Adm.
With the weaponizing of presidential health taking center stage throughout the election and beyond, culminating in the most transparent press conference ever regarding the subject (see
When I watched the questioning by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta of White House physician Rear Adm.
President Donald Trump is fit for duty - medically, mentally, cognitively, psychologically, emotionally, physically and otherwise.
Today is the day President Donald Trump will be experiencing his first medical evaluation in the White House.
CNN's Jake Tapper revealed the following about former Governor Mitt Romney:
Monday night marked the first debate of Secretary Hillary Clinton and businessman Donald Trump.  Though no fits of any kind - coughing or otherwise - were thrown, the two gave jabs as expected.  Mrs.
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