risk assessment

To have a more equal, transparent relationship, physicians have been encouraged to “meet patients where they are,” understand their needs and desires, and share in medical decision-making.
These chemicals resemble fatty acids that we would normally be able to eat.  But since they are fluorinated, they are resistant to water and are long-lasting (we cannot digest them).
The researchers, reporting in Nature Medicine, begin here.
Earlier in June, the FDA agreed to reevaluate the safety of bisphenol A (BPA) in plastics, coating, and other materials that contact food.
In the mediocre but strangely prescient James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies, the villain is a media mogul named Elliot Carver who tries to instigate a war between the UK and China to grow his empire.
When you mention infrastructure maintenance what comes to mind; roads, bridges, a political football, as exciting as watching paint dry, job creation?
It is a pleasure to give a shout out to commentator
Reporting about health risks isn't easy.
To the Editor: While scanning my wife's copy of April 1999 Elle I was dismayed to see poor health advice dispensed because of inappropriate risk comparisons.
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