
Acai breakfast bowls are available in every trendy smoothie and juice bar, but if you haven’t partaken in this particular superfood fad yet, you haven’t missed out. Turns out acai bowls don’t actually make a healthy start to the day after all.
I must be psychic. (And before you ask, no, we aren't getting paid by the dairy industry.)
When I was a little kid, I would wake up early in the morning before school and watch cartoons. I remember watching, among other things, George of the Jungle and Popeye.
If you do a Google search of "Oz superfoods" you will get more than 40,000 hits. The good doctor really likes superfoods. One small problem - there is no such thing, his self-serving proclamations notwithstanding.
As every educated foodie knows, one of the world's best superfoods is quinoa. The only problem is that there's no such thing as a superfood, and there's nothing particularly unique about quinoa.
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