diet soda

                    1. The Demise of Diet Soda
Join our directors of chemistry and bio-sciences, Dr. Josh Bloom and Cameron English, as they break down these stories:
We've been told for many years that consuming diet soda encourages overeating.
Can sugar-free drinks help you lose weight? Proponents say “yes,” so long as they help create a calorie deficit.
As a physician, how could I resist this title?  Why Doctors Think They’re the Best. Obviously, I couldn’t.
Most popular news stories about diet soda follow a predictable formula that goes as follows.
Did you ever take a sip of a Diet Coke and have it taste like death (1)? Not at all sweet. Kind of sour-metallic-motor oil-rotting corpse-tasting?
Even though diet soda has fewer calories than the regular version, th
In just a few days, Diet Pepsi will no longer contain the artificial
The claim that artificial sweeteners might contribute to obesity is
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