
People often take drastic steps when they're hungry. Sri Lanka's leadership discovered this firsthand after it banned imports of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides last year.
Politicians have a complicated relationship with science. When they think the evidence comports with their political goals, they love scientists and the work that they do.
One of the best ways to sustain your bad ideas is to surround yourself with people who think just as you do. Like a cult member who only associates with other true believers, you're effectively cut off from outside scrutiny.
Sri Lanka ran an evil experiment on its citizens last year.
The debate over so-called “GMOs” is almost 30 years old at this point.
Research going back many years has clearly documented that organic farming tends to require more land while producing less food than its conventional counterpart.
Last July, the UN published a startling report documenting the pandemic's effect on global food security in 2020: “In many parts of the
The USDA's “bioengineered” label now affixed to many products in grocery stores is a massive waste of money that will offer consumers no useful safety or nutrition information, something the
Last week I highlighted four disturbing trends in science journalism that are destroying the public's trust in mainstream academic and publi
Reporters like to lecture the public about the importance of science while promoting obviously unscientific ideas when it suits them.
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