
Teenagers are rebellious and they do stupid things. This is a fact of life that we have to accept, whether we like it or not.
A 16-year-old Ohio teen was in for an apparent rude awakening after calling 911 on her father for “theft of property.” In a now viral video (see here) capt
It's not easy being a teenager. Since time immemorial, teens have had to grapple with the raging hormones and quest for self-identity that are hallmarks of this stage of life.
We like to make it a point not to alarm parents unnecessarily. Part of our mission is to inform the public about health concerns, simply and calmly, without resorting to scare tactics to get attention.
With the heartbreaking photo of a Syrian child rescued from a bombed house making its way around the internet -- as well as our nonstop election circus -- it's time for some good news for a change.
For parents, it's axiomatic that steering young children into sports is good for their overall health.
Although they probably don t realize it, teens have discovered a potentially deadly way of getting dru
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