genetic testing

The quote is from GenoPalate, one of several websites using nutrigenomics to craft an individual diet plan for you or me.
I was skeptical about the latest announcement by 23andMe surrounding the release of their new report describing to it subscribers their risk of Type 2 diabetes.
The use and concept of terms like “genetic testing” or “genome sequencing” as the key to future disease prevention is speculative at best.
Women who are diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer have many decisions to make and the more informed they are about their situation, the better able they'll be to make those decisions.
Out of more than 140,000 contestants vying to become the 2018 Gerber Spokesbaby, Lucas Warren from Georgia will be the first with Down Syndrome in the competition’s roughly 90 year history. And, I say, what took so long!
We know that exercise is good for us, but, most of us don't do it. Only about 20% of Americans get the recommended amount of exercise. (1)
In the spirit of Breast Cancer awareness month and promoting women’s health, we are excited to have had Dr.
Among young women with breast cancer, the testing rates for BRCA mutation are increasing, according to research
Carrier screening is a type of genetic testing performed on couples that are expecting or planning to have children
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