
A recent study in JAMA reported on the possible effects of acupuncture on women undergoing in vitro fertilization.
Without a doubt, almost all alternative medicine is junk science.
Legendary, Emmy-winning Fox TV anchor, Ernie Anastos -- who just had a day named after him by the mayor of New York City-- kicks off his
Anyone who has ever suffered from chronic constipation knows how miserable the condition can make you feel — headachy, bloated, and all-around unhappy; thus, the popularity of a variety of laxatives.
Chronic knee pain is very common in adults over the age of 50, most commonly as a result of osteoarthritis.
We here at ACSH were surprised, indeed dismayed, to learn of the
According to one account, the phoenix a legendary bird in Chinese and other mythologies died in flames, then rose from its own ashes to live again.
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