Donald Trump

Is it possible to ever persuade the politically-polarized segment of the vaccine-resistant population to take the jab – thereby avoi
Despite COVID-19 being a public health crisis, we have politicized our understanding of the disease.
President Donald Trump is fit for duty - medically, mentally, cognitively, psychologically, emotionally, physically and otherwise.
The squeaky wheel often gets the grease but sometimes wheels get an impassioned champion - and that is just as good.
In an all too common turn of events, former President George H. W. Bush and his wife Barbara were admitted to the same hospital for respiratory issues-- pneumonia and bronchitis, respectively.
If Donald Trump's anti-vaccine tweets were not enough to make the scientific and medical community nervous about the future of vaccination i
This is clearly the week of me being triggered, given I am no fan of the “trigger warning.” Inside-the-box thinking triggers me. Putting arbitrary limitations on human potential triggers me.
Melania Trump and son Barron are to hold off on an immediate move into the White House.  According to The Wall Street Journal, President-elect Trump told reporters they would join him “very soon.  After he’s finished with school
And, so it begins.   With yesterday’s release by The Daily Mail of Anthony Weiner’s alleged entry into a rehab facility for the treatment of sex addiction, the media headlines ignited.
Monday night marked the first debate of Secretary Hillary Clinton and businessman Donald Trump.  Though no fits of any kind - coughing or otherwise - were thrown, the two gave jabs as expected.  Mrs.
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