science and politics

People confuse science the noun with science the verb
Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada announced that the U.S.-Canada border would likely remain closed to all non-essential travel due to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.
I collect science textbooks. Some of the best ones I have on my shelf are Janeway's Immunobiology, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Casarett & Doull's Toxicology, and Sherris Medical Microbiology.
One of the biggest mistakes that scientists have made in recent years is to become overtly political. Scientific American has taken it a step further and endorsed Joe Biden for President.
Of all the things we have lost this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic – from the people we love to the jobs that put food on the table – one of the more pernicious is the loss of faith and confidence that Americans have in their public health inst
Scientists would like to have a list of all the species on Earth. That sounds like a relatively straightforward, purely academic exercise, but it really isn't. Unfortunately, one major reason is politics.
One of the most depressing features of American life in 2020 is the fact that everything has become politicized.
For those Americans who become infected with the novel coronavirus, symptoms include loss of smell, coughing, and high fever. For everyone else, the chief symptom is stupidity.
I've decided not to watch any of the presidential debates because I just can't take it. If a politician isn't saying something stupid, he or she is saying something insulting. Oftentimes, it's both.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. And I'm not talking about ancient history. I'm talking about 18 years ago.
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