
Last week, the FDA gave a hint as to what was expected of their own Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC): nothing good for public health nor adherence to sound science, no siree, not when it comes to harm reduction products, Swed
The recently-released deeming regulations by which the FDA proposes to regulate tobacco products and those devices variously
Don’t let the Lexington-Herald Leader headline, “Madison County health board bans electronic cigarettes,” fool you.
My mother smoked while she was pregnant with my sister and me. I used to light her cigarettes while she was driving. One time I handed her a lit Benson & Hedges backwards, burning her lip and nearly causing a huge freeway accident.
ACSH s Dr. Elizabeth Whelan comes to the defense of actress Katherine Heigl s decision to use e-cigarettes as a safer, more effective method of kicking her smoking habit for good.
Last Monday, “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Knocked Up” actress Katherine Heigl prom
Committed cigarette smokers demonstrate that where there’s a will, there’s a way.
ACSH staffers were excited with the overwhelming response we received over the weekend via e-mail and Twitter to our question asking readers whether they or someone they know used electronic ciga
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