During his State of the Union Address last week, President Biden announced a plan to make it easier for people to get access to the new antiviral drug Paxlovid.
Mission creep occurs when there is continue growth in a project’s goals; often involving additional features adding cost and complexity.
All I want for Christmas is for people just to tell it like it is in medical advertising in all its forms. Promise nothing more and nothing less than what they, their institution or product actually do or mean. Stop the selling.
Nothing elicits a surge in my skeptic meter like the term world-renowned when used in the medical realm. Especially since it is typically self-described by those selling something, routinely an unnecessary product or procedure.
In 1965, when Medicare made its appearance, physicians would send bills for their "usual and customary charges” and it quickly became apparent that usual and customary allowed a far greater range of charges than President Johnson and his team
I hate politics. Is that enough of a disclosure? Well, I hate erosion of the doctor-patient relationship even more, especially when predicated on politicized falsehoods.
Small towns and big cities across America are replacing overhead streetlight bulbs with brighter, longer-lasting versions.
The American Medical Association (AMA) the largest association of physicians in the United States has called for an end to non-me
A bipartisan coalition of Aussie lawmakers, led by P.M.