synthetic cannabinoids

Synthetic cannabinoids are sometimes mixed with rat poison, which causes uncontrollable bleeding. So, as it turns out, the neighborhood drug dealer might not be a completely trustworthy individual.
It's no surprise that drug traffickers are quite creative about distributing their products. Recently, the Drug Enforcement Agency and Homeland Security pounced on an operation that used Donald Duck and Winnie the Pooh objects to disguise illegal shipments.
When the potheads who publish the magazine High Times – which is dedicated to promoting the use of marijuana – is warning against the dangers of fake weed, you know it's serious.
K2, a dangerous synthetic cannabinoid product – also known as spice, synthetic marijuana, legal weed or fake weed – is wreaking havoc in Illinois and hospitalizing dozens.   In Illinois, synthetic cannabinoids have killed two and hospitalized fifty-six for extreme bleeding. This toll is expected to rise. Believing they are like "pot" or "marijuana" is the public's first mistake.